Getting Started with Syncano

This tutorial will walk you through installing and configuring syncano, as well how to use it to make API calls.

This tutorial assumes you are familiar with Python & that you have registered Syncano account.

Installing Syncano

You can use pip to install the latest released version of syncano:

pip install syncano

If you want to install syncano from source:

git clone
cd syncano-python
python install

Using Virtual Environments

Another common way to install syncano is to use a virtualenv, which provides isolated environments. First, install the virtualenv Python package:

pip install virtualenv

Next, create a virtual environment by using the virtualenv command and specifying where you want the virtualenv to be created (you can specify any directory you like, though this example allows for compatibility with virtualenvwrapper):

mkdir ~/.virtualenvs
virtualenv ~/.virtualenvs/syncano

You can now activate the virtual environment:

source ~/.virtualenvs/syncano/bin/activate

Now, any usage of python or pip (within the current shell) will default to the new, isolated version within your virtualenv.

You can now install syncano into this virtual environment:

pip install syncano

When you are done using syncano, you can deactivate your virtual environment:


If you are creating a lot of virtual environments, virtualenvwrapper is an excellent tool that lets you easily manage your virtual environments.

Making Connections

syncano provides a number of convenience functions to simplify connecting to our services:

>>> import syncano
>>> connection = syncano.connect(email='YOUR_EMAIL', password='YOUR_PASSWORD')

If you want to use instance in connection you can use connect() function, then you can omit the instance_name in other calls:

>>> import syncano
>>> connection = syncano.connect(instance_name='instance_name', email='YOUR_EMAIL', password='YOUR_PASSWORD')

If you have obtained your Account Key from the website you can omit email & password and pass Account Key directly to connection:

>>> import syncano
>>> connection = syncano.connect(api_key='YOUR_API_KEY')
>>> connection = syncano.connect(instance_name='instance_name', api_key='YOUR_API_KEY')

Troubleshooting Connections

When calling the various queries, you might run into an error like this:

>>> import syncano
>>> connection = syncano.connect(api_key='abcd')
>>> list(connection.instances)
Traceback (most recent call last):
    raise SSLError(e, request=request)
requests.exceptions.SSLError: [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:581)

This is because your endpoint has invalid SSL certificate. If you want to skip SSL verification you need to create a new connection like this:

>>> import syncano
>>> connection = syncano.connect(api_key='abcd', verify_ssl=False)
>>> list(connection.instances)
[<Instance: syncano>]

Interacting with Syncano

The following code demonstrates how to create a new Instance and add a ApiKey to it:

>>> import syncano
>>> connection = syncano.connect(api_key='abcd')
>>> instance = connection.instances.create(name='dummy_test', description='test')
>>> instance
<Instance: dummy_test>

>>> api_key = instance.api_keys.create()
>>> api_key
<ApiKey: 47>
>>> api_key.api_key

Each model has a different set of fields and commands. For more information check available models.

Next Steps

If you’d like more information on interacting with Syncano, check out the interacting tutorial or if you want to know what kind of models are available check out the available models list.