Source: pinger.js

import stampit from 'stampit';
import {EventEmittable} from './utils';
import Request from './request';

* Utility for pinging the api. Allows checking for connection to the platofrm. Meant to be used directly form the {@link Syncano} instance.
* @constructor
* @type {Pinger}
* @example {@lang javascript}
* const connection = Syncano();
* connection.Monitor.startMonitoring();
* connection.Monitor.on('connected', () => {
*    // connected to the api
* });
* connection.Monitor.on('disconnected', (error) => {
*    // disconnected from the api
* });

const Pinger = stampit()
  .compose(Request, EventEmittable)
    timeout: 5000,
    interval: null,
    connected: null

    request() {
      const path = this.getConfig().getBaseUrl();
      return this.makeRequest('GET', path);

    startMonitoring() {
      this.interval = setInterval(() =>, this.timeout);

    ping() {
        .then(() => {
          if(!this.connected) {
            this.connected = true;
        .catch((error) => {
          if(this.connected) {
            this.connected = false;
            this.emit('disconnected', error)

    stopMonitoring() {

export default Pinger;